Thursday, March 29, 2007

MP's response to Barnett

Dear Mr Higginbottom,

I would like to take this opportunity to respond to your letter on March 20th regarding the Barnett Formula, and how it may affect the potential subsidising of Welsh and Scottish constituents.

My understanding of the Barnett Formula is that it relates to spending and not taxation directly. As such any extra monies raised will be returned to the treasury, who will then decide where best to allocate the funds. The Barnett Formula only comes into effect when these additional funds are allocated from the treasury for spending within England, when this occurs some extra money is also released to its Welsh and Scottish counterparts in order to maintain the same standard of service.

However, I can understand, and share your concerns over the issue, The Barrett Formula is certainly one aspect of government policy I would like to see re-examined in order to try and establish a fairer system.

Also to address your concerns over potential road pricing I would like to assure you that I am opposed to the idea, as I believe it may harm our constituency.

Thank you for taking the time to let me know of your concerns, I hope that this letter has managed to allay some of your fears.

Daniel Kawczynski MP

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