Thursday, February 14, 2008

English children to get unique ID number

The British government plans to allocate every 14 year old child in England a unique ID number which could be tied to the national ID database and will be used to provide access to school records for potential employers and the state.

The Education & Skills Bill - which only applies to England, not the whole of the UK as the press are reporting - will introduce the “Learning Number” which will be the key to a national database of state CVs for every child in England. The Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills - one of No Mandate Brown’s made up government departments - said “It is just a way of making life easier for learners and employers. It is something we think will help people looking for work”. What a load of rubbish. It is a way of introducing 14 year old children to the concept of being numbered and monitored for the rest of their lives and the state taking control of their identity.

The same spokesman also said the database will be “cast-iron in terms of integrity” whilst the Information Commissioner said “We have provided advice and assistance to help ensure that this system is watertight and secure - but no system is immune to human error and breaches can and do occur”.

Just like HMRC losing the details of 25 million recipients, just like the MOD officer losing a laptop containing secret data, just like all the other recent admissions of data loss by British government departments - the data will be vulnerable to inaccuracy, loss and fraud. Your identity isn’t like a bank account - it can’t be changed if it falls into the wrong hands - your identity is unique and identity theft will cause you problems for the rest of your life in Liebour’s database state.

The state stealing the identity of our children has surely got to be a breach of their Human Rights.


Anonymous said...

The standard national insurance number is a unique id that is already assigned at birth and already in place.


Anonymous said...

The sweaties are sweating about the English. So are the eu. They have obviously never heard of the self fulfilling prophecy.

The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of the situation evoking a new behaviour which makes the original false conception come 'true'.

This specious validity of the self-fulfilling prophecy perpetuates a reign of error. For the prophet will cite the actual course of events as proof that he was right from the very beginning.” i.e. scumbag Jack Straw claiming that "the English" are "violent".

In other words, a true prophetic statement — a prophecy declared as truth when it is not — may sufficiently influence people, either through fear or logical confusion, so that their reactions ultimately fulfill the false prophecy.

They want us to rebel and blow things up so they can say we told you what they are like. What a pity for them that we outmanouveur them every time ah? Ha! ha!
Maybe they have never heard of the term there is more than one way to skin a cat. Or, in Blair and Browns case skin a TWAT!

Oh yeah Axel if you think distinct numbering of certain ethnic groups is okay then how come you dont think it's okay for BLACKS, JEWS AND HOMOS TO BE NUMBERED? Different for these groups is it? BOLLOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!