Thursday, March 29, 2007

Barnett Formula & Prescriptions

Daniel Kawczynski MP
House of Commons

Dear Daniel,

I am writing to all of Shropshire’s Members of Parliament on behalf of CEP’s local membership.

As you will be aware, NHS prescription charges will be raised in England as from 1st April whilst they will be abolished in Wales.

As I understand the Barnett Formula it will mean that this increase of tax levied on the patients of England will automatically result in a proportion of the extra monies being ‘hived off’ to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Neither Scotland nor Wales appear to need this extra money as they already have a better funded NHS than England does.

Likewise, the Government is toying with the idea of introducing a ‘road pricing’ tax. The Scottish Parliament and the Welsh National Assembly have however indicated that they would not introduce this system.

As I understand the Barnett Formula it will mean that this new tax levied on the motorists of England will automatically result in a proportion of the extra monies being ‘hived off’ to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Neither Scotland nor Wales appear to need this extra money as they have no intention of introducing ‘road pricing’.

Can you confirm that your understanding of the Barnett Formula is the same as mine?

If my assumption about the Barnett Formula is correct, I cannot see how any self-respecting MP representing an English constituency can countenance this manifestly unjust situation. Perhaps you can advise me and my fellow members of your and your Party’s position on the issue.

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