Sunday, March 12, 2006

Letter to Lord Chancellor

Your speech of the 10th March, as reported, is a travesty that is riddled with support for injustice.

Apartheid is alive and well, flourishing here in the United Kingdom under the Labour government.

Separate development, the core of Apartheid, ensured that a minority took a disproportionate amount of the national wealth to have a much better lifestyle than the majority who were therefore deprived and oppressed.

Here in the UK the Celtic regions take from the derided and persecuted peoples of England under an unfair and unjust Devolution system merely created by Labour to stop them losing votes to the SNP and Plaid Cymru.

As a member of what is increasingly seen, by the people of England, as a predominately foreign government, it is time you encouraged your Cabinet colleagues to emancipate England not continue to peddle the continuance of the repressive colonial regime that Labour has imposed.

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