Thursday, March 23, 2006

Letter: Shropshire Star (CEP Shropshire)

Bill would undo our history of democracy

The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill No 111.

As I understand the provisions of this proposed piece of pernicious legislation, it is effectively an "Enabling Bill" which, if passed, will have far reaching constitutional consequences.

It appears to be a way of allowing laws to be amended and/or created by ministers, not Parliament, making MPs effectively redundant.

The most prominent user of such legislation in the past was Adolf Hitler.

The current New Labour Government has already destroyed much of our democracy, which took a thousand years to carefully construct. They must not be allowed to complete their apparent plan to create an anti-democracy state.

I urge everyone to write to their MP urging them to resist the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill No 111. If they do not, every elector will effectively be disenfranchised by inaction.

Edward Higglnbottom
Co-ordinator, Shropshire
Branch of Campaign for an
English Parliament

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