Monday, January 09, 2006

Letter to local newspapers re fight for local hospitals

It was good to see that people were out on the streets demonstrating, trying to keep open the local hospitals at Bridgnorth, Ludlow and Whitchurch.

The problem boils down to money or the lack of it, in particular the Shropshire NHS Trust’s debt of some £36 million.

In Scotland of course, they get a better health service than here in England. Better treatment, better drugs, better care for the elderly, amongst other things. This is possible as every single taxpayer in England is, on average, giving the Scottish Parliament a subsidy of something in the order of £280 per year. This is in addition to the subsidies England’s taxpayers are giving to Wales and Northern Ireland. So if Shropshire’s taxpayers’ contribution to Scotland were spent on the local NHS Trust instead there would hardly be a debt to worry about.

If you want your local hospitals to survive I suggest you hound your MP and tell him you want English control of English taxes, an English Parliament to speak up for you and an end of the Barnett formula that financially favours the Celtic fringes of the once United Kingdom.

Edward Higginbottom
Co-ordinator, Shropshire Branch of the Campaign for an English Parliament

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