Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Radio Shropshire

Edward made a guest appearance on BBC Radio Shropshire recently to discuss English devolution and the Campaign for an English Parliament.

Following the radio interview and two or three local newspaper articles, Edward received a number of requests for application forms - one from a Shropshire resident who was listening whilst driving through Oxford!

A copy of the recording will be available on the CEP website once Radio Shropshire send the CD.


Anonymous said...

I heard the broadcast and it was excellent. It was interesting that a Scot phoned in who lived in Shropshire and supported the idea of an English Parliament. Injustice is recognised by people everywhere, except those who are MPs in Westminster. They positively encourage injustice against England.

wonkotsane said...

It's a sad fact that the most vocal supporters of an English Parliament (outside of the CEP/EDP) are the Scots. They don't suffer from the propoganda overload levelled at us by the British government and they've seen the benefits of devolution at first hand.